
Plastic Pollution at the Elbe River

Geography Master Students Discover the Plastic Polution of the Elbe River Floodplains Yesterday, we have been on the road with the master’s students geography, talking about environmental plastic pollution. We wanted to make their seminar “Changes in Geographical Spaces” more interactive, that is why we implemented field trips for this summer term. This one is …

Plastic Pollution at the Elbe River Read More »

Bachelor thesis defense on “Temporal development of the diversity of crop rotations, crop types and field sizes in the Schorfheide-Chorin biosphere reserve”

Invitation to the defense of bachelor thesis On 02.02.2024, Mr. Adrian Beer and Mr. Adrian Wilhelm will defend their bachelor thesis on the topic of “Temporal development of the diversity of crop rotations, crop types and field sizes in the Schorfheide-Chorin biosphere reserve compared to the agricultural region of the Ucker-Märkisches Hügelland”. First supervisor: Prof. …

Bachelor thesis defense on “Temporal development of the diversity of crop rotations, crop types and field sizes in the Schorfheide-Chorin biosphere reserve” Read More »

Bachelor thesis defense: “Changes in the lake valley flora in the wild herb fields of the Upper Lausitz Heath and Pond Landscape Biosphere Reserve from 1999 to 2019”

Invitation to the defense of the bachelor thesis On 25.09.2023, Ms. Hanna Könnecke will defend her bachelor thesis on the topic of “Changes in the lake valley flora in the wild herb fields of the Upper Lausitz Heath and Pond Landscape Biosphere Reserve from 1999 to 2019”. Supervisor: Dr. Lisanne Hölting Start: 13:30Place: Hülßebau of …

Bachelor thesis defense: “Changes in the lake valley flora in the wild herb fields of the Upper Lausitz Heath and Pond Landscape Biosphere Reserve from 1999 to 2019” Read More »

New publication on carbon sequestration in arable soils

A publication on carbon sequestration in agricultural soils has been produced as part of a master’s thesis: (Schwengbeck et al. 2023). Lea Schwengbeck created four scenarios for sustainable land use for the model region ECO²SCAPE in northwest Saxony and modeled how the climate regulation of soils changes under the different scenarios and under the …

New publication on carbon sequestration in arable soils Read More »

FEdA Impulstagung in Frankfurt

Am 9. und 10. Mai 2023 fand in Frankfurt am Main die FEdA Impuls-Tagung „Wie kommen wir in die Transformation?“ statt, an der Vertreter:innen der Professur aktiv teilnahmen: Unter anderem stellte Dr. Lisanne Hölting ein Poster zum Thema „Co-Design von Maßnahmen zur Erhaltung von Biodiversität in Kulturlandschaften“ vor und Dr. Nina Hagemann moderierte den Workshop …

FEdA Impulstagung in Frankfurt Read More »

Zweites Vernetzungstreffen in ECO²SCAPE

Am 24.03.2023 fand das zweite Vernetzungstreffen zwischen Landwirt*innen und Wissenschaftler*innen im Rahmen des Projektes ECO²SCAPE statt. Zu Beginn wurden die Ergebnisse der Feldarbeiten aus dem Jahr 2022. Dabei wurden der Artenreichtum und die Artvielfalt von Blüh- und Brachflächen gegenübergestellt, sowie erste Ergebnisse der Vogelkartierungen präsentiert. Danach hat Maria Kernecker die Ergebnisse der Interviews zum Thema …

Zweites Vernetzungstreffen in ECO²SCAPE Read More »

Master thesis defense: „Bat (Chiroptera) vocal activity in intensively used agricultural landscapes“

Invitation to the defence of the master thesis On 25.04.2023, Mr. Felix Zichner will defend his master thesis on the topic: “Bat (Chiroptera) vocal activity in intensively used agricultural landscapes”. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Anna Cord, MSc. Anne Paulus Start: 11:00 a.m.; Location: Hülßebau of the TU Dresden, Helmholtzstr. 10, 01069 Dresden, Room O 267. Interested …

Master thesis defense: „Bat (Chiroptera) vocal activity in intensively used agricultural landscapes“ Read More »

Master thesis defense: “Vitality analysis of existing trees and shrubs on the main campus of the Technische Universität Dresden”

Invitation to the defence of the Master’s thesis On 05.04.2023 Ms. Anna Skokan will defend her master thesis on the topic of: “Vitality analysis of existing trees and shrubs on the main campus of the Technische Universität Dresden”. Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Anna Cord, Lisa Zwanzig. Start: 15:00 h; Place: Hülßebau of the TU Dresden, Helmholtzstr. …

Master thesis defense: “Vitality analysis of existing trees and shrubs on the main campus of the Technische Universität Dresden” Read More »